It's been a while since the last AnM release, so now you get two chapters!
Huge kudos go to the cleaners Zilver, Zilvere, and Oana Popescu - this manga is really annoying to clean, with all the transparent bubbles.
There's only one more chapter and then we're done with volume 1. Only one volume's out in Japan so far, so there won't be any more until there's more.
By the way, if anyone wants to donate and help buy raws, my paypal is down at the moment - so if you're feeling generous, please go to Vendetta Scans and donate however much you want (include memo that says "for Noctis Op.92"). Thanks a bunch.
Coming up next is Aphorism ch 32 (completely ready for release, it'll be up today)!
Anyways, enjoy the read.
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